Drop-off and pick-up locations and times for students pre-K through 4th grades.

In-Person Learning

I would like to begin by thanking the community for the assistance that has been offered to enable our students to return to in-person learning despite the circumstances we are undergoing with our main building. Several of the local churches have offered the use of their facilities to enable Lone Wolf Public Schools to have in-person learning. 

The utility issues I have described previously are confined to the main building. The cafeteria is in working condition which will allow LWPS to provide breakfast and lunch to all students while we have in-person learning.

The drop-off and pick-up routines have changed to accommodate the varying sites where the students will be located. You can consult the map on the District's website to have a visual reference for the younger elementary students.

Drop-off for pre-K through 4th grade will be at the cafeteria where those students will eat breakfast. Grades 5 and 6 need to be dropped off at the LWPS Annex (located to the east of the main building on Lowe Avenue). Grades 7 through 12 shall be dropped off at the Baptist Church Building (at the corner of 6th Street and Day Avenue). Pre-K - 4th grade students will eat breakfast in the cafeteria from 7:30 a.m. until 7:55 a.m. Breakfast will be delivered to 5th - 12th grade students, at the buildings in which they are located.

Pick-up for pre-K, 3rd and 4th grades will be at the Methodist Church Building on Lowe Street. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades will be picked up at the LWPS Annex. Please pick up 5th and 6th graders at the Baptist Church Building and 7th and 8th graders at the gym. Dismissal time is 3:10 p.m.

On Mondays and Wednesdays, high school students grades 9-12, will be virtual. High school students will have in-person learning on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., but be virtual in the afternoon. High school students who ride the Hobart bus will be transported at 12:30 to the Hobart bus stop. High school students will be able to eat lunch Monday through Thursday in the cafeteria from 12:00 to 12:30.

It is recommended that all students bring a water bottle daily. 

If you have any questions you can communicate with your child's teacher. You can also email Carie Anderson, Dean of Students/Counselor at canderson@londwolfschool.com or Shawn Sager, Superintendent/Principal at ssager@lonewolfschool.com.


Shawn Sager

Superintendent / Principal